[CUCBC Captains] Action required: Safety audit, and finalised minutes

Limeng Zhu limeng at cucbc.org
Wed Apr 28 11:13:59 UTC 2021

Dear Captains,
Please find attached the final minutes from the recent captain's meeting.

As mentioned in the captains' meeting, the safety audit needs to be
completed by your safety officer. For ease we have made a google form for
them to fill in (shouldn't take more than a couple minutes). Please forward
this link to your club's safety officer and ask them to fill in by the end
of play, Sunday 9th May. *Failure to do so will result in your club being
banned from the river until this is completed.*


We are aware that the final exam timetable has been released and are
looking into viable options we can propose to you regarding June VIIIs
regatta; please be patient as we gather information and draft up different
options for you to discuss and vote upon. We will also be in touch shorty
regarding the Smaller boats regatta mentioned in the captains meeting also.

All best,
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