[CUCBC Captains] Updated BR Advice

Conor Burgess conor at cucbc.org
Mon May 18 23:06:11 UTC 2020

Dear all,

You may be aware that British Rowing released new guidance last Wednesday which allows clubs to put in place plans to allow single scullers (or doubles / pairs with members of the same household) to start going out again. It is important to note that this should not be viewed as a re-opening of boathouses, but rather the first small step of making some small boats accessible to those who are competent enough to use them without supervision.

At this point, we’d like to encourage you not to rush into implementing these plans. We hope to publish some guidance in the next few days to help you with your planning, as the circumstances at each of your boathouses will of course be very different and thus require different rules and procedures. Colleges have the decision making authority of how and when to reopen their facilities, and in all instances you should ensure your college authorities have been consulted and signed off on any plans you put in place.

Best wishes,
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