[CUCBC Captains] Warning for scullers

Conor Burgess conor at cucbc.org
Mon Jul 20 12:12:04 UTC 2020

Dear all,

* Captains: If you club is allowing people to use the river in singles/doubles, please pass this message on to those people *

Peter (Camboats skipper) has asked me to pass on a warning regarding their electric cruiser (which, being electric, you almost certainly won’t hear when sculling). Due to the very low river traffic and flow, there’s quite a lot of weed along the banks, so their electric cruiser is having to stick closer to the middle of the river. Whilst their skippers are briefed to keep a good lookout and warn approaching scullers, please ensure you also keep a good lookout and steer around them if needs be.

Tom (River Manager) also adds that CamCons are doing as much as they can to stay on top of the weed - with the recent weather and the lack of VIIIs churning it up, they’ve certainly got their work cut out!

Best wishes,
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