[CUCBC Captains] Chisholm Trail bridge installation - river closures
Conor Burgess
conor at cucbc.org
Wed Aug 12 11:00:33 UTC 2020
Dear all,
* Captains: If your club is currently allowing single scullers or doubles out, or planning to allow fours/quads from the 15th, please pass this message on to them. *
The delayed works are now due to commence tomorrow (Thursday 13th August).
Please see the Cam Conservators calendar (perhaps best viewed in this Google Calendar format <https://calendar.google.com/calendar/embed?src=camconservancy@gmail.com&ctz=Europe/London&mode=Week>) for an easy to follow breakdown of the closures. The full closures will completely obstruct the full width of the river, whilst the restricted navigation outside of these times have notes detailing the navigable width of the river (minimum 9m, which I believe should be just enough to squeeze a sweep boat through, though one way at a time of course - so please take care and be courteous).
The towpath will remain open throughout.
Best wishes,
> On 18 Jul 2020, at 11:36, Conor Burgess <conor at cucbc.org> wrote:
> Dear all,
> Unfortunately these works have been delayed by issues with the licenses required to complete the works. Supposedly they will now start on the 5th August, but that isn’t confirmed. I’ll let you all know when we have confirmed dates.
> Best wishes,
> Conor
> On 17 Jul 2020, 07:58 +0100, Conor Burgess <conor at cucbc.org>, wrote:
> Dear all,
> * Captains: If your club is currently allowing single scullers or doubles out, please pass this message on to them. *
> To install the new jetty under the railway bridge and lift the new Chisholm Trail bridge into place, there will be two-three weeks of river closures, starting next Monday 20th July, and many of these will be full river closures.
> The full schedule is outlined here: https://content.govdelivery.com/accounts/UKGCP/bulletins/2959e8d <https://content.govdelivery.com/accounts/UKGCP/bulletins/2959e8d>
> The River Manager has kindly provided some additional details:
> • The river will definitely be open at weekends
> • The towpath will be open throughout, so you can climb out and walk your boat past the full river closure if you’d like to go out during them.
> • The daytime closures are from 8am to 6pm.
> • Outside the daytime closures, the river may still be obstructed so much that it’d be difficult to fit a single past (the pontoon is 3m wider than the one they used for the piling). You could still walk your boat around if this is the case.
> Best wishes,
> Conor
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