[CUCBC Captains] Moscow Rowing Marathon Invitation, Sept 26th - 29th 2019

Reed, Dominic DReed at ufgam.com
Fri May 31 12:08:32 UTC 2019

Dear Cambridge Rowing Captains

Your group email was kindly given to me by the Jesus and Kings Womens' Captains
I am an ex-JCBC rower (1981-4) and am involved with the Moscow Rowing Federation, which organizes the Moscow Autumn Rowing Marathon. The event is a 15km head race (last year this was 3 ½ times around the Olympic rowing canal, this year most likely it will be held on the Moscow river).
The event this year will take place on Saturday 28th September. You would need to arrive on Thursday 26th and leave on the Sunday 29th.  Friday is taken up with boat preparation etc,, Saturday morning 500m sprint competition and Saturday afternoon is the main event.
They are very keen to get foreign crews involved.  To encourage attendance, the federation will help in visa invitations, subsidised accommodation, provide all airport pick up and drop offs, provide boats, plus a bit of culture.
Last year the women's crews from Jesus and Kings competed and won medals and I am sure will be happy to tell you of their great experience! Even better, after this early season distance training, Jesus went on to win the Fairbairns :)
You can come in VIIIs or IVs. Mixed crews are also welcome and we can match crews with local crews which can also be fun.
Depending on the number of crews who make it, accommodation will be either entirely paid for, or will cost no more than Eur 40 per night full board (shared rooms). On the last evening there will be a barbeque or similar followed by releasing you into Moscow clubland.... for more on the latter, talk to Claire and Martha...:)
Flights from London take about 4 hours and cost +/- GBP250 return on BA or Aeroflot. There is a +2 hour time difference.
Visas can be a bit of drag but not so bad if you give yourselves time. See   https://russiable.co.uk/getting-russian-visa-united-kingdom/
We would be very happy to welcome you. Moscow is a beautiful, exciting and very vibrant City and the event is informal and fun.
If you do have an interest, please do let me know. The sooner we can get crew lists together also the better, as we need to organise the visa invitation letters.
If there are any non-Cambridge crews you know of who you think would enjoy this sort of event, please feel free to pass on this email and my details.
Please feel free to ask me any questions you may have
All the best and hoping to see you in September and good luck to you all in the Mays!
Dominic Reed

Dominic Reed
Mobile: + 7 916 798 5424

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