[CUCBC Captains] Getting-on Race Results

Matthew Temple matthew at cucbc.org
Sat Jun 8 13:48:52 UTC 2019

Dear all,

Apologies once again for the delay in releasing the results of yesterday's
Getting-on Race.

The following crews have successfully qualified for bumps:


   - Caius IV
   - St Edmunds II
   - Corpus Christi II
   - Fitzwilliam III
   - Churchill II
   - Robinson II
   - First and Third II
   - Jesus IV
   - Girton II
   - Downing III


   - Downing IV
   - Magdalene V
   - Selwyn III
   - Corpus IV
   - Peterhouse III
   - Darwin III
   - Downing V
   - Churchill IV
   - Magdalene VI
   - Caius IV

The following crews did not get on:

   - Jesus W5    8:44  (time only)
   - Queens' M6   9:00
   - Selwyn W2     9:02
   - Corpus Christi W3   9:02
   - Murray Edwards W3   9:48

The following crews were disqualified:

   - Caius M5
   - Caius M6

A reminder that the coxes of all crews which have qualified for bumps must
attend the appropriate briefing tomorrow evening. Novice coxes (those who
have not competed in CUCBC bumps before)* must* attend, unless they receive
prior permission to miss it from the CUCBC Safety Officer. Senior coxes
(those who have) may be represented by another senior cox, provided that
representative undertakes to brief them in turn before the start of racing.
Members of bank parties and rowers who'd like a bit more insight into what
their coxes might be doing are welcome to attend either briefing.

The final start order for the 2019 May Bumps is now available here

Matthew Temple
CUCBC Exec. Committee
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