[CUCBC Captains] May Bumps - 12 outing declarations

Mark Jacobs mark at cucbc.org
Thu Jun 6 16:07:55 UTC 2019

Dear All,

A reminder that the deadline for forms is today, and I'm missing a few. 

I don't want a flurry of panicked responses from lots of people just in case nobody else in your club has done it yet. If you are submitting a declaration, you MUST check the outing logs for each and every crew, and be personally satisfied that they have met the training requirements.

Any questions, let me know...

Mark Jacobs
CUCBC Safety Advisor

---- Original Message ----
Subject: May Bumps - 12 outing declarations
Sent: 2 Jun 2019 11:25
From: Mark Jacobs <mark at cucbc.org>
To: CUCBC Captains <captains at lists.cucbc.org>,CUCBC Committee <committee at cucbc.org>

Dear All,

Attached is the 12-outing declaration for the Mays, which needs to be 
completed and returned to me by the end of Thursday 6th June. Later 
submissions will cause problems with setting the number of crews/spaces 
in the GoR so please be prompt. 1 form per club please, covering both 
men and women. No need to physically print/sign/scan the form, just 
complete in Word and send it back to me.

Outings before 9.00 on weekdays and at any time on the weekend count as 
1 outing, those taking place after 9.00 on weekdays may count as 1.5. 
Races (including the GoR itself for those taking part) count as 1 
outing. Only outings in VIIIs count.

I'm pragmatic about subs / crew changes / injuries etc., but please let 
me know about any coxes who have not personally managed 12 sessions and 
what their prior experience is.

If you have a crew who will not have managed to complete 12 sessions 
before Friday, but think you have a compelling reason that they ought to 
be allowed to race, then please let me know. Having bad luck with the 
weather and difficulty scheduling outings during exam season is not a 
good reason though!

Any questions, please let me know.


Mark Jacobs
CUCBC Safety Advisor
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