[CUCBC Captains] Start of Term Captains' Meeting and Uni 4s

Matthew Temple matthew at cucbc.org
Sun Oct 7 21:29:40 UTC 2018

Dear Captains,

Entries for the University Fours 2018 are now open, and will close at 
23:45 on Friday 12th October. Entries should be made via Captain's 
accounts on the CUCBC website - after you login, you should see a link 
to "Regatta Entries" on the right hand side of the page.

The entry fee (£25 per crew) and any outstanding balance on your CUCBC 
college bill, must both be paid by the same deadline. If the balance is 
negative, this is a credit and should be subtracted from any entry fees.

Bill queries should be addressed to Dr Dan Wilkins 
(seniortreasurer at cucbc.org). Please email Dan to claim any payments you 
make to CUCBC. The preferred method of payment if by bank transfer; the 
CUCBC bank account details are on your college bill.

If you have any queries about the Uni 4s then please let me know 
(matthew at cucbc.org).

The list of forthcoming river closures has now been updated and can be 
found at
and the Early Morning Marshals rota can be found at

Best wishes,

On 2018-10-01 18:05, Matthew Temple wrote:
> Dear Captains,
> The start of term Captains' meeting will take place on Sunday 7th
> October at 5pm in the Long Room at Murray Edwards College. The agenda
> will be circulated in due course, but if you have any items you would
> like to raise then please let me know in the next few days.
> The University IVs 2018 [1] will run from Monday 22nd October to
> Friday 26th October. Entries will open shortly after the Captains'
> meeting, and will close on Friday 12th October. Entries must be made
> by college Captains through the CUCBC website. All competing crews
> will be expected to provide marshals to ensure the safe running of the
> regatta.
> This email is being sent to the Contacts list in case any incoming
> Captains are yet to receive their CUCBC email logins from their
> predecessors - if this applies to you then please ensure that your
> email and website logins are handed over ASAP. All Captains should
> check their CUCBC email regularly, ideally every day.
> Finally, we have already received complaints of excessive noise from
> coxes on the river before 07:30 - please ensure your crews and coaches
> are aware of the usual early morning noise restrictions, and in
> particular, the need to keep coxboxes turned down to a minimum before
> 07:30.
> Best wishes,
> Matthew
> --
> Matthew Temple
> CUCBC Exec. Committee
> Links:
> ------
> [1] http://www.cucbc.org/uni_fours

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