[CUCBC Captains] May Bumps Cox Briefings - Captains

Isabel Nimmo izzy at cucbc.org
Wed May 30 12:51:58 UTC 2018

Dear Captains,

The following message just went round the coxes list. However, I'm aware
not every college cox has signed up to the lists (especially newer coxes
just starting this term). Could you pass it on to the appropriate members
of your club please?

Many thanks and best of luck with the last couple of weeks training,


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Isabel Nimmo <izzy at cucbc.org>
Date: 30 May 2018 at 13:50
Subject: May Bumps Cox Briefings
To: coxes at lists.cucbc.org

Dear Coxes,

This is a reminder that the compulsory May Bumps cox briefings will be held
on the 10th of June.

There will be a refresher briefing for anyone who has coxed CUCBC* bumps
before from 6:30-7:00pm. There will then be a full briefing for anyone who
has not coxed CUCBC bumps from 7:00-7:45pm. Both briefings will be held in
the Lecture Theatre in Emmanuel College.

Coxes who have previously coxed CUCBC bumps who are unable to attend either
briefing may send a suitable representative to sign in for them. This
should be a senior cox from their club who undertakes to brief them before
the start of racing on the 13th.

Coxes who have not coxed CUCBC bumps before must attend the full briefing
unless by prior arrangement with the CUCBC safety advisor (mark at cucbc.org).

Best wishes,


* There are a number of differences between CRA, CUCBC and the various
flavours of Oxford bumps races, and so we do not consider them to be
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