[CUCBC Captains] Reminder: Bumps entries

Matthew Temple matthew at cucbc.org
Thu May 10 08:44:23 UTC 2018

Dear Captains,

A reminder that the deadline for Bumps entries is tomorrow at 23:45.  
Please also email committee at cucbc.org with any requests for "exceptional 
status", and any declaration of dual college members etc, by the same 

Secondly, we have received reports of crews being on the water without 
lights within 15 minutes of lighting up. Please can you remind your 
coxes/coaches that they need to carry lights if they are going out late 
in the evening, and should ensure they are switched on at least 15 
minutes before the lighting-up time displayed on the website.


-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Minutes from Captains' Meeting
Date: 2018-05-01 15:41
 From: Matthew Temple <matthew at cucbc.org>
To: captains at lists.cucbc.org
Copy: CUCBC Committee <committee at cucbc.org>

Dear Captains,

Please find attached the minutes from the meeting last Sunday. These are 
also available on the CUCBC website under "Minutes". Please let me know 
within the next 48 hours if you notice any mistakes.

If you haven't yet received your Easter term bill, please let me know 
ASAP. The deadline for paying bills and Bumps entry fees is Friday 11th 
May. Bumps entries are now open on the CUCBC website - the deadline for 
entries and also the declaration of dual college members, non-student 
members and other exceptionals is 23:45 on 11th May.


Matthew Temple
CUCBC Exec. Committee

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