[CUCBC Captains] Rowing Outside Term Time

Conor Burgess conor at cucbc.org
Wed Jun 20 21:09:14 UTC 2018

Dear all,

Unfortunately it seems some reminders are in order, as we’ve received several complaints today alone. Please ensure these are passed on to any crews which may be training over the summer vacation.

In short, almost all of the CUCBC rules continue to apply outside of term time. The only big difference is that we do not update the flag.

- Novice coxes (by which we mean, any cox who cannot competently control the crew and its position on the river for the duration of the outing without assistance) must be accompanied by a bank party at all times. This applies to tubs as well as coxed IVs and VIIIs.
- Early morning noise: unnecessary noise before 07:30 is unacceptable. Cox box volume should be kept to a minimum and, upstream of the Railway Bridge, calls should be kept to a minimum and there should not be any coaching from the bank.
- Crews must follow correct navigation at all times; just because college rowing has gotten quieter, there are still plenty of town crews training throughout the day.
- If your crew comes across a coxless boat, and either you or they are in the wrong position, please shout out to them (“single/pair/double/quad, take a look!”). If they are in the wrong place, allow time to manoeuvre around each other safely and try not to judge them too harshly (steering can be hard when you’re looking the wrong way...). If you are in the wrong place, try to get back to where you should be, and a polite apology won’t go amiss!
- Coxes and coaches should assess conditions before going out, and a cox feel comfortable refusing to go out if they are not confident that they can control the crew in the conditions. The weather is obviously pretty ideal at the moment, but it can still be pretty windy over the summer (as it was this afternoon; this website is handy: https://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/research/dtg/weather/daily-graph.cgi?today).

Best wishes,
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