[CUCBC Captains] May Bumps 2018 Thursday Results and Notes & Fines

Matthew Temple matthew at cucbc.org
Fri Jun 15 22:46:10 UTC 2018


Dear all,

The results of today's racing are available here:


 	* Another cox has been disqualified and a penalty bump awarded against
their crew for rowing into a stationary boat at race pace. This is an
unacceptably dangerous thing to do - do not row into stationary crews.
 	* Coxes: After you bump, clear the river quickly. Look behind for
approaching crews, decide which way to go and go for it.
 	* When racing, do not get tunnel vision - keep an eye out for
obstructions, crews clearing, etc.
 	* Row home sensibly - maintain normal navigation and do not attempt to
swap incompetent rowers into the cox's seat.
 	* Crews are permitted one standing start ONLY at the Plough. Standing
starts are not permitted at any other time.
 	* Bank parties: when not moving, please step off the towpath and keep
it clear - both after your crews have bumped out and on the way down to
the start.
 	* Captains: please make sure your club knows that supporters should
not run alongside the race. This is very dangerous and will be fined as
an excessive bank party.
 	* Tomorrow the towpath will be very busy, particularly for the later
divisions. Cyclists must watch where they are going and spectators
should be on the grass, not the path.
 	* Bank parties are strictly limited to 4. This includes boatmen,
college masters, alumni, VIPs, and anyone else. Crews with excessive
bank parties may not be allowed to start the race.


 	* ARU M1 - Foul and abusive language from bank party - Warning
 	* Christ's M1 - Foul and abusive language from bank party - Warning
 	* Christ's M2 - Illegal standing start - £20
 	* Clare M1 - Excessive bank party (runner impeded umpire from ditch
into the gut and only desisted at 3rd time of asking) - £30
 	* Clare Hall M1 - Foul and abusive language - £50
 	* Clare Hall M1 - Early celebration - £20
 	* Clare Hall M1 - Failure to clear - £30
 	* Corpus Christi W1 - Late to marshalling - £10
 	* Darwin M2 - Dropped bung, no advantage - £15
 	* Downing M1 - Excessive bank party - £30
 	* Downing M1 - Bank party obstructing umpire - £20
 	* Emmanuel M1 - Excessive bank party - £30
 	* Emmanuel M2 - Foul and abusive language - £50
 	* Homerton - Failure to provide a marshal (2nd offence) - £30
 	* Homerton - Failure to provide a marshal (3rd offence) - £45
 	* Homerton W3 - Late to marshalling - £10
 	* Jesus M3 - Excessive bank party - £30
 	* Jesus M5 - Early celebration - £20
 	* Jesus M5 - Failure to clear - £30
 	* King's M2 - Serious failure to clear (rowers not responding
appropriately to cox; causing significant impedance to crews behind) -
 	* Lady Margaret - Failure to provide a marshal (2nd offence) - £30
 	* Lady Margaret M1 - Illegal standing start - £20
 	* Lady Margaret M1 - Excessive bank party - £30
 	* Lady Margaret M1 - Excessive bank party (2nd offence - runner
joining 5 cyclists along Plough Reach) - £45
 	* Lady Margaret W1 - Excessive bank party - £30
 	* Lady Margaret W1 - Excessive bank party (2nd offence) - £45
 	* Lucy Cavendish - Failure to provide a marshal - £15
 	* Lucy Cavendish W1 - Excessive bank party - £30
 	* Lucy Cavendish W2 - Dropped bung, slight advantage - £25
 	* Magdalene M1 - Illegal standing start - £20
 	* Magdalene M1 - Excessive bank party - £30
 	* Pembroke M1 - Excessive bank party - £30
 	* Pembroke M1 - Excessive bank party (2nd offence) - £45
 	* Pembroke W4 - Hitting a stationary crew - £75
 	* Pembroke W4 - Hitting a stationary crew - Penalty bump awarded
 	* Pembroke W4 - Hitting a stationary crew - Cox removed from river
 	* Queens' - Marshal arriving late - £5
 	* Robinson M2 - Hitting a stationary crew - £75
 	* St Edmund's - Failure to provide a marshal - £15
 	* Trinity Hall W1 - Excessive bank party - £30
 	* Trinity Hall W1 - Excessive bank party (2nd offence) - £45
 	* Trinity Hall W2 - Failure to follow marshal's instruction to get
back in the boat - Warning
 	* Wolfson - Failure to provide a marshal - £15
 	* Wolfson M1 - Failure to follow marshal's instruction to get back in
the boat - Warning
 	* Wolfson W1 - Late to hold it up - £20
 	* Caius W3 - commitment to the leggings despite it being far too warm
for leggings - wear morph suits tomorrow
 	* W1 division - Too many rowovers, not enough bumps - start order to
be randomised tomorrow

All fines can be appealed by e-mailing Dan Wilkins, CUCBC Senior
Treasurer (seniortreasurer at cucbc.org), within 48 hours of this email
being sent.

Best wishes,

Matthew Temple
CUCBC Exec. Committee
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