[CUCBC Captains] May Bumps 2018 Wednesday Results and Notes & Fines

Conor Burgess conor at cucbc.org
Wed Jun 13 23:44:10 UTC 2018

Dear all,
The results of today’s racing are available here: http://www.cucbc.org/mays

*Notes from the Umpires*

   - Practise starts at the Plough should follow normal navigation - i.e.
   you should cross at the Plough and do your start on the towpath side. This
   is important as we often have other river traffic heading upstream between
   - After bumping, coxes please take a moment to consider where you will
   clear to.
      - Take a look behind you to see which side chasing crews are on
      - Be decisive, once you've picked where you're going, give clear
      instructions to achieve it as quickly as possible
      - Clear to the most suitable part of the bank - this may not be the
      closest part of the bank - sometimes it is worth going a bit
further to get
      to a safer position, especially if you have space behind you.
      - Clearing on top of another crew is very rarely that most suitable
      part of the bank
   - A cox has been disqualified and a penalty bump awarded against their
   crew for rowing into a stationary boat at race pace. This is an extremely
   dangerous thing to do and will be santioned accordingly.
   - Once you have cleared, please keep your boat (and blades) under
   control, and do not allow your bows or stern to drift into the racing line.
   - Follow normal navigation when rowing home.
   - Spectators may not run alongside racing crews - anyone doing so will
   be counted as an extra cycling bank party and lead to fines for excessive
   bank party.
   - An iSolem white bike light has been handed in at control, please
   collect by Saturday if it is yours.


   - ARU M1 - Hitting a stationary crew - £75
   - ARU M1 - Hitting a stationary crew - Penalty bump awarded
   - ARU M1 - Hitting a stationary crew - Cox removed from river for the
   rest of the week
   - Christ's - Failure to provide a marshal - £15
   - Christ's W2 - Incompetent clearing - £50
   - Clare M4 - Failure to clear - £25
   - Corpus Christi - Failure to provide a marshal - £15
   - Corpus Christi M3 - Pink socks, Maggie red shirts, and black shorts -
   wash it all together and hope it turns Corpus red
   - Emmanuel W2 - Early celebration - £20
   - First & Third - Failure to provide a marshal - £15
   - Fitzwilliam M2 - Stern drifting into racing line after clearing -
   - Girton M2 - Slow to concede - £20
   - Jesus - Failure to provide a marshal - £15
   - Jesus M1 - Obstructing an umpire - £20
   - Jesus M3 - Dangerous coxing, clipping stationary crew with blade - £30
   - Lady Margaret - Failure to provide a marshal - £15
   - M5 Division - Failure to row in club colours - International rules on
   matching, official club kit apply tomorrow
   - M5, W4 and M4 Divisions - Repeated Checkmates (sirens) - provide new
   batteries for the sirens tomorrow (four D cells per megaphone please)
   - Pembroke W1 - Dropped bung, no advantage - £15
   - Selwyn M2 - Illegal standing start - £20
   - Queens' W4 - Failure to row on upon being bumped - £15
   - Trinity Hall W2 - Late to marshalling - £10
   - Trinity Hall M4 - Negligent practise start on row home, almost
   resulting in collision - £15
   - Trinity Hall W4 - Late to hold it up - £20
   - Wolfson M2 - Early celebration - £20
   - Wolfson M2 - Late to hold it up - £20

All fines can be appealed by e-mailing Dan Wilkins, CUCBC Senior Treasurer (
seniortreasurer at cucbc.org), within 48 hours of this email being sent.

Best wishes,
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