[CUCBC Captains] Marshals' Rota

Felicity Parker felicity at cucbc.org
Thu Jun 7 14:13:28 UTC 2018

 Dear Captains,

The marshals' rota for the May Bumps has been updated for 2018 and can be
found here: www.cucbc.org/mays/marshals

The number of marshalling slots per club has been decided based on how many
boats were entered into Bumps, taking into account the number of umpires
each club has already provided.

If you cannot find anyone to marshal, please inform CUCBC. Likewise, if you
swap marshalling slots with another club, let us know.

There will be fines issued for failure to provide marshals, increasing with
each subsequent offence. Fines will also be issued for incompetent
marshals, so please make sure whoever you send knows what they're doing.
Ideally they would have competed in at least one set of Bumps before.


Felicity Parker
CUCBC Exec Committee
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