[CUCBC Captains] Cygnets (and other wildlife)

Robert Nimmo robert at cucbc.org
Tue May 23 13:38:06 UTC 2017

Dear Captains and Coxes,

Many of you will have noticed that there are now a family of cygnets on the
river (their range seems centred on the gut, but they've been as far as
Baitsbite and the Long Reach).

This seems a good time to remind coxes and bank parties of the guidelines
agreed between the various groups of river users relating to wildlife at
this time of year. I'm sure most of you have seen these before, but just in
case, the link is below:


Please take the time to let bank parties know about this, since the cygnets
are sometimes invisible from the coxes seat.

Very best wishes for the next few weeks of training and thankyou for

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