[CUCBC Captains] Any Boats Need a Good Cox?

E. Smith es617 at cam.ac.uk
Mon May 15 20:27:23 UTC 2017

Dear Captains,

I hope that your Mays campaigns are going well. Having just completed 
our cox selection, we have one very good and keen cox spare. She coxed 
Caius M2 last term (to the M2 Lents Headship no less) and is really keen 
to take on a Mays crew. Unfortunately, due to losing rowers to exams, we 
cannot offer her a boat but are really keen for her to compete.

If there are any boat clubs in the opposite situation - a crew needing a 
good cox - please either contact me (Caius Men's Captain, Emily Smith, 
es617) or Kathryn Knight, the cox (kk598).

Thank you,

Emily Smith , Caius Boat Club Men's Captain

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