[CUCBC Captains] May Bumps 2017 - Wednesday Results and Notes & Fines

Dan Wilkins dan at cucbc.org
Wed Jun 14 22:51:09 UTC 2017

Dear all

Many thanks to all crews for a good first day’s racing and thank you for your co-operation as we caught up on delays from early in the day.

The results from Wednesday’s racing are now available online at www.cucbc.org/mays/results <http://www.cucbc.org/mays/results>.

Notes from the Umpires
After bumping (or having been bumped) coxes should take a moment to think about where they are clearing to. Look over your shoulder for oncoming crews then decide where you can safely clear to in the time available before the next crew reaches you. If possible, please clear to the towpath side and to the outside of corners but this is not always possible. Make sure your boat and blades are clear and that racing crews can safely pass you.
Clear the river as quickly as possible. Do not celebrate (and coxes, do not allow your crew to celebrate) before you are safely pulled in the bank and at no risk of drifting back into the racing line.
When rowing home, DO NOT proceed above the Railway Bridge until you are instructed to do so. Even if there is no marshal present when you arrive, you must wait until you have been instructed you can row home to ensure that crews rowing to the start from the marshalling area can cross, unimpeded, onto the navigation.
Please make sure you arrive to marshal on time. You must be pulled in to your station in the marshalling area by the start time of the previous division (since the river will need to be clear for that division to race through). Latecomers will be fined and may not be allowed to race.

Fines may be appealed by e-mailing Dr Dan Wilkins, CUCBC Senior Treasurer (seniortreasurer at cucbc.org <mailto:seniortreasurer at cucbc.org>) within 48 hours of this e-mail.
Anglia Ruskin - Failure to provide marshal - £15
Caius W1 - Early celebration - £20
Caius W1 - (Repeated) failure to clear - £30
Caius W3 - Illegal practice start - £20
Caius - Late marshal - £5
Christ's M1 - Late to marshalling - £20
Christs W2 - Failure to organise representative for the coxes briefing - £25
Clare M2 - Failure to row on upon being bumped - £35
Clare M3 - Failure to clear - £30
Clare M4 - Early celebration resulting in slow clearing - £40
Clare W4 - Failure to seek permission to be absent from the novice cox briefing - £50
Clare W4  Failure to hold it up on bumping - Warning
Corpus Christi M3 - Failure to hold it up on bumping - £45
Downing - Failure to provide marshal - £15
Emamanuel M2 - Holding up upon being bumped - £35
First and Third M2 - Failure to organise representative for the coxes briefing - £25
First and Third M2 - Dropped bung (no advantage) - £15
First and Third W2 - Failure to seek permission to be absent from the novice cox briefing - £50
Fitzwilliam M2 - Failure to organise representative for the coxes briefing - £25
Fitzwilliam - Failure to provide marshal - £15
King's M1 - Late to marshalling - £20
Lady Margaret M1 - Late to marshalling - £20
Lady Margaret M1 - Illegal practice start - £20
Lady Margaret M3 - Failure to row on upon being bumped - £50
Magdalene M1 - Illegal practice start - £20
Magdalene W2 - Late to marshalling - £20
Murray Edwards W3 - Early celebration resulting in slow clearing - £35
Pembroke M1 - Late to marshalling - £20
Pembroke M1 - Ignoring marshals' instructions - £20
Pembroke M1 - Foul and abusive language to an official - £40
Peterhouse W1 - Dropped bung (no advantage) - £15
Peterhouse - Failure to provide marshal - £15
Queens M4 - Failure to seek permission to be absent from the novice cox briefing - £50
Queens W2 - Failure to seek permission to be absent from the novice cox briefing - £50
Queens' - Late marshal - £5
Robinson M3 - Dangerous coxing - £25
Robinson W1 - Illegal practice start - £20
Selwyn W2 - Failure of representative to sign in at the coxes briefing - £25
Selwyn - Failure to provide marshal - £15
St Catharine's M1 - Late to marshalling - £20
St Catharine's W2 - Bank party impeding umpire - £30
St. Edmunds - Failure to provide marshal - £15
St. Edmunds - Late marshal - £5
Trinity Hall M3 - Rowing into a stationary crew - £50
Girton M1 - Ridiculous lycra - Wear matching facepaint tomorrow
The umpire from First and Third - Spilling beer over the fines sheets - Provide beer for the umpires for the remainder of the week
An un-named committee member who had to model his brand new mint green splash top despite the warm weather - excessive perspiration
And thanks to Emmanuel W1 for the best slow-motion bump of the week so far!  
Dr Dan Wilkins
Senior Treasurer
Cambridge University Combined Boat Clubs
E-mail: dan at cucbc.org

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