[CUCBC Captains] Sub Requests for Mays

Conor Burgess conor at cucbc.org
Sat Jun 3 20:30:59 UTC 2017

Dear Captains,

It's time for the termly reminder that all subs in all boats for any Bumps race (including and especially for the GoR) must be approved by the CUCBC Exec Committee. It's much easier if you get planned subs approved now, so we only have to deal with injury/illness subs during Bumps. A sub is anyone who isn't in the crew listed on the CUCBC website (or, in the case of last minute changes, someone who won't have trained much with the crew this term).

In general, subs should meet the following requirements (I've added the rules inspiring this info to an appendix below):

- should have been eligible to row in the boat they are subbing into, had they been entered as a member of the crew (i.e. bona fide student at that college, not rowing in another boat, no blues or first Mays colours below third boat/third division, whichever is lower)
- subbing for someone who is genuinely ill or injured. Please note that academic commitments and planned absences from Cambridge will be scrutinised much more strictly than in the Lents.
- subs may not come from a higher boat, without exception (i.e. any sub which would give an unfair advantage to the crew they're subbing into, e.g. M1 to M2 or W3 to W4, even for the GoR, is expressly forbidden).
- subs must not have been training with a town club outside college hours

If you submit requests for subs in the following format (hat tip to Sidney from Lents 2016 for this example), we'll be able to approve them very quickly in most cases:

Sub 1 seat number, FIRSTNAME SURNAME
Race Saturday division 4
Boat Sidney M2
Reason e.g. [injured shoulder | stomach bug | someone has quit rowing]
Substitute FIRSTNAME SURNAME - confirmation of student status at relevant college, confirmation not rowed in any other crew in this set of Bumps, confirmation not rowed with a town club this term, brief description of rowing history

Please ensure your requests are sent to BOTH committee at cucbc.org AND seniorcommittee at cucbc.org

If need be, feel free to plead your case for why an exception should be made for your particular sub request, but we'll just fall back on the precedent set by previous decisions (that is why the Senior Committee exist after all).

Many thanks,


Rule 5 of 'Rules for Racing - General':
a That the crew which competes in the first heat of a CUCBC event (including the Getting on Race) be considered the official crew for the duration of that event. No change in the official crew shall be allowed, except with the permission of the Executive Committee, which will usually be given only in the case of accident or illness.
b That before the first heat, approval may be sought from the Executive Committee for a substitute in the first heat. If this is granted, the official crew should be provided in writing by the club concerned to the Executive Committee, and is expected to be the crew which has trained together that term. The official crew must be provided in advance of the first heat.
c That substitution of rowers from crews in a higher position on the River to those in either a lower position or those competing in the Getting on Race shall not be permitted.

Rule 21 of 'Rules for Racing - Lent and May Races'
a That no person who has gained first Lent or May Colours or a Trial Cap may row or steer below the third division of the CUCBC Lent or May Races or below his/her College third crew, whichever is the lower, without the permission of the Hon. Secretaries. This shall normally be given only in the case of accident or illness.
b That no person who has rowed in, steered or been a reserve for any of the CUBC, CUWBC or CULRC crews may row below his/her College third May Boat without the permission of the Hon. Secretaries, which shall normally be given only in the case of accident or illness.

Rule 22 of 'Rules for Racing - Lent and May Races'
a That, with the exception of the sandwich boats, no-one may row or steer in more than one division in one day, and that no-one who has rowed in a particular crew in the races may then row in another crew, except with the permission of the Executive Committee, which shall usually be given only in cases of accident or illness.
b That anyone may row in one division and steer in another on the same day.

Rule 28 of 'Rules for Racing - Lent and May Races'
That no-one who has rowed or steered in a successful boat in the Getting-On Race row or steer respectively in a higher boat during the races which follow, except with the permission of the Executive Committee, which shall usually be given only in cases of accident or illness of someone in a higher boat.
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