[CUCBC Captains] Old boats

James Fowler jim.fowler2 at gmail.com
Thu Jan 26 14:53:23 UTC 2017

Dear boat club captains,

I am an ex-Cambridge boatie, working as an engineer in London. My company
is planning to take part in the Great River Race this September. It is a 22
mile race on the Thames for "traditional style" boats, basically no sliding

We have raced in this event several times in the past but this year we are
planning to build our own boat and I'm looking for old rowing boats to use
as the basis of our design, most likely building them into a double-hulled,
16-oar beast.

I know generally boats are usually in short supply but also that rack space
is even more scarce. If any of your clubs have boats lying around that are
currently un-rowable, broken, full of holes or just old and you want them
out of the way, I would be interested in buying them from you for our

If you have any such boats available then I would be extremely grateful if
you would get in touch. I'm most interested in 8s but 4s, quads, anything
bigger than a single, would also be worth a look at. I'm not fussed about
seaworthiness as we have the skilled people here to make even quite major
repairs, and it will be quicker for us to do that than build from scratch.

If you don't currently have anything available then please still bear me in
mind if you total a boat in Lents!

Best wishes,

Jim Fowler.
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