[CUCBC Captains] Tribal BBQ - Ticket Collection

Tribal Chieftain tribalchieftain at gmail.com
Wed Jun 8 11:18:34 UTC 2016

Dear Captains,

Thank you for purchasing tickets for the Tribal Barbecue 2016. Ticket
collection for this event will take place as described on the Facebook
Collection times are:
*Wednesday - 12pm until 2pm *
*Thursday - 12pm until 2pm *
*Friday - 12pm until 2pm *
***Please bring the named ticket holders ID** *
Please let us know if there are any problems with this.

Best wishes,
Ryan and Zara

Any opinions expressed in this email are those of the individual and not
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intended recipient. If you are not the intended recipient please notify the
sender immediately, then delete this email and do not copy, use or disclose
it. Nothing in this email is to be taken as an agreement, representation,
warranty or undertaking of any nature. No contract will be concluded with
the Downing Tribe until the terms have been agreed and a written Downing
Tribe 2016 contract has been physically signed by both parties. Please note
that Downing Tribe is entirely separate from Downing College.
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