[CUCBC Captains] Summer Rowing with Hughes/Lucy

RD Andrew Stark hughes.men at cucbc.org
Wed Jul 20 14:05:06 UTC 2016

Hello again,

A second call for oarsmen and coxes for summer rowing with Hughes/Lucy.  If
you could pass the original message on to your clubs, it would be much

Best wishes,
Andrew Stark

On 6 July 2016 at 09:18, RD Andrew Stark <hughes.men at cucbc.org> wrote:

> Hi all,
> I was just wondering whether you could forward this on to your male rowers
> and any coxes:
> Here over summer? Wanting to carry on rowing or coxing now that term is
> over?
> This summer, we are once again running combined-college rowing, organised
> by the men's side of Hughes/Lucy BC. With many people leaving for summer,
> combined-college rowing will be a great way for college rowing to carry on,
> as well as an opportunity to meet other rowers/grads/undergrads from other
> colleges.
> Depending on the responses from rowers, availability, and keen-ness, there
> may be the possibility to do training for races (on and off the Cam). All
> ability rowers and coxes are welcome (aside from novices). There will also
> be a small sub which will need to be paid of £15 (not including race fees
> if you want to do races) to cover insurance, any repairs, organisational
> costs.
> Please email Naz (mnbz2 at mrc-cu.cam.ac.uk) and Manja (mn378 at cam.ac.uk) if
> you are interested, stating your experience (the boat you rowed in Easter
> term, how much coxing experience you have), rowing side (stroke, bow, or
> both), and they will get back to you with further details.
> Best regards,
> Andrew Stark
> President & Men's Captain 2015-2016

RD Andrew Stark
HHBC Men's Captain
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