[CUCBC Captains] Xpress Head 2nd June...only 4 days to go to the big event.

rob.yates at bt.com rob.yates at bt.com
Fri May 29 08:38:48 UTC 2015

Don’t miss probably the last pre-Bumps opportunity to race the entire Bumps Course without interruption and against many other College Boats on Tuesday 2nd June!!  Please see the associated poster and apply on line at: http://www.xpressbc.org.uk

X-Press BC Bumps Course’ Head -  Tuesday 2 June 2015

Row the Bumps course without interruption!  A race that’s ideal for both College and City crews
Prizes for category winners, and for the cox who takes the best line round Grassy Corner
 Divisions at 7pm and 8.30pm
 Standing starts, timed from upstream of A14 bridge to Peter ’s Posts (approx. 2100m)
 Intermediate timing at The Plough (useful for Bumps preparation)
 VIIIs only, in the following categories: Men and Women - Mays 1s t, 2nd, 3rd, and lower; plus CRA categories (categories may be combined, depending on number of entries)
 Entry fee £56 per boat in advance (entries accepted on the day if there are places still available, but fee will be £64)
 Prizes, BBQ and bar at City Boat House after the race

Entries online via X-Press website:
Email queries to xpresshead at xpressbc.org.uk<mailto:xpresshead at xpressbc.org.uk>
Telephone queries to 07952 382478 (reasonable hours only)

Eights ‘Bumps Course’ Head Tuesday 2 June 2015

Kind Regards
Rob Yates
Xpress Boat Club

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