[CUCBC Captains] Bumps entry deadline: deadline TODAY

Wilfried Genest wilfried at cucbc.org
Fri May 15 10:28:26 UTC 2015

Dear all,

Please note that the deadline for entering your crews in the Bumps and for
payment is today 6pm.

Crews need to be entered on the CUCBC website AND on here:

The following clubs have not entered their crews in one of the two websites:

- Addies (Men and Women)

- Anglia (Men and Women)

- Caius (Men and Women)

- Christ's (Men and Women)

- Clare (Men and Women)

- Clare Hall (Men and Women)

- Corpus (Men)

- Darwin (Men and Women)

- Downing (Men)

- Emma (Men and Women)

- Fitz (Men and Women)

- Girton (Women)

- Homerton (Men and Women)

- Hughes (Men)

- Jesus (Men and Women)

- LMBC (Men and Women)

- Magdalene (Men)

- Murray Edwards (Women)

- Pembroke (Men and Women)

- Peterhouse (Men and Women)

- Queens' (Men and Women)

- Selwyn (Men and Women)

- St. Eds (Men and Women)

- 1st & 3rd (Men)

- Vet School (Men and Women)

- Wolfson (Men and Women)

Please pay by bank transfer (£40 per crew):

Account name: Cambridge University Combined Boat Club;

Account number: 00008487;

Sort code: 72-00-06

Please email seniortreasurer at cucbc.org once you have paid your entry fees.
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