[CUCBC Captains] Bumps entry - deadline 15th May

Wilfried Genest wilfried at cucbc.org
Wed May 6 13:52:31 UTC 2015

Dear all,

You may now enter your crews for the Bumps (after logging on the CUCBC
website): http://www.cucbc.org/bumps/enter

You should also enter your crews here: http://thebumps.co.uk/crewlists (for
the Bumps programmes).

The deadline for entries and payment is Friday 15th May. Please pay by bank
transfer (£40 per crew):

Account name: Cambridge University Combined Boat Club;
Account number: 00008487;
Sort code: 72-00-06

Please email seniortreasurer at cucbc.org once you have paid your entry fees.

Best regards,
      Wilf. Genest
      CUCBC Hon. Sec.
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