[CUCBC Captains] Rowing over Summer

Hughes Hall Captain hughes.women at cucbc.org
Fri Jun 26 10:39:33 UTC 2015

Hi All,

I was just wondering whether you could forward this onto
your female rowers and coxes (grads in particular):

Here over summer? Wanting to carry on rowing or coxing now that term is

We at Lucy/Hughes are trying to continue rowing over summer. There are
currently 10 of us, however we thought it would be a nice idea to get
rowers and coxes from other colleges who are here over summer to row with
us, as it would be a great way to get to know other grads (or undergrads).

It will be pretty chilled, but depending on the responses from rowers,
availability, and keen-ness we plan on having combined around 3 outings a
week (mostly in the evening), and some of us will be doing land training
which you are also welcome to join. We are preferably looking for W1 or W2
rowers, and those who have been coxing for a year or for a higher boat,
however there is a possibility we will make exceptions so feel free to
email even if you don't meet that criteria, stating the experience you do

There also may be a small sub which will need to be paid (details have not
yet been finalised) to cover insurance, any repairs, and paid coaching if
needed (which we are not currently planning on having), however, this will
be a lot less money than subs at town clubs.

Please email me (Sally - Hughes Boat Club President) at sfrm2 at cam.ac.uk if
you are interested stating your experience and I will get back to you
with all the details.

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