[CUCBC Captains] GoR & Combined Evening Hour

Michael Thornton michael at cucbc.org
Thu Jun 4 23:01:43 UTC 2015


Please find attached the start order for the getting on race. 

Pick up your race numbers from 1st & 3rd Trinity boathouse between 0845 and 0915.

For marshalling, things are pretty simple:

Crews in div 1 (racing 1845) should marshal at Baitsbite by 1835. Pull in pointing upstream, in race order. Crews in divs 2 & 3 should marshal at Chesterton by 1915 and 2015 respectively. Pull in between The P&E and the railway bridge pointing downstream, in race order i.e. lowest numbered crew nearest the railway bridge. On rowing down to the lock, row down to the spinning sign, and then spin 1 at a time in race order. Expect a queue to form. Keep a good distance between crews.

I would also like to remind everybody that there will be a joint evening “hour” before the river closure starts (details in previous email). To crews doing the Getting on Race - you are reminded that normal river navigation is in place until racing begins. In particular, stay on your side of the river, and give way to upstream travelling crews, especially at the crossing points. Any reports of GoR crews impeding course pieces of evening hour crews will not be looked on kindly.


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