[CUCBC Captains] Eligibility criteria changes

SECBC President stedmunds.captain at cucbc.org
Tue Jun 2 12:44:52 UTC 2015

Dear all,

I would just like to clarify that we did receive these comments from the SC prior to revising the Proposal, and did indeed make the changes in the wording necessary as to not explicitly prevent fellows VIIIs from taking part in the bumps. 

Please see point 1c. and in particular the sentence as copied below:

'That no more than two such other members of the University who are Employees or elected or appointed Members of a college will be allowed to row in any boat.'

This therefore does not exclude more than two fellows rowing in any boat.

If you have any further questions, please do get in touch.



On 2 Jun 2015, at 11:11, Wilfried Genest wrote:

> Dear all,
> The Senior Committee wished to point out the following about the proposal to change eligibility criteria sent yesterday:
> "The SC had a substantial discussion of Megan Eldred's proposal and its potential for wider impact beyond the alleviation of the initial situation at St Edmund's that prompted it. It was appreciated that Megan had tried to word the proposal carefully to avoid the kind of 'free for all' situation with exceptionals that the SC fears, but it was noted that even from the limited number of individual college situations know personally by the SC members, it would be very easy to circumvent the spirit of the rule within its current wording.
> After a lengthy discussion between the SC members, we concluded that in order to address this issue fully, we should ideally be in possession of a complete set of facts relating to the relevant college membership categories. If the motion is passed, we will therefore request that each Captain returns a report of the relevant categories of membership at their particular college (covering the affiliations possible to PDRAs and other relevant categories of senior membership for example bye-fellowship and college lecturer status). It would be useful to know the titles used, the requirements of the posts and their level of formality (i.e. by which bodies within the college the membership is approved or elected) as well as the number of people involved in each.
> From the exceptionals already requested for this Mays, we understand that this matter does need a conclusion in advance of next Lent Term, so will ask for this information to be submitted as soon as feasible in order that there is enough time to return with the captains to the matter on this time scale.
> As one final comment, it was noted that the currently proposed wording for the rule change would prevent fellows' VIIIs, which we are keen to avoid explicitly preventing from entering, and hence careful wording on this point will be needed in the final drafting of changes resulting from this process."
> Further proposals for vote will be circulated later today.
> Best,
>    Wilf.
> __________
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