[CUCBC Captains] Combined-College Summer Rowing

Hughes Hall Captain hughes.women at cucbc.org
Tue Jul 7 09:55:57 UTC 2015

Hi All,

I was just wondering whether you could forward this onto
your male rowers and coxes:

Here over summer? Wanting to carry on rowing or coxing now that term is

After the sucess of the combined-college women's rowing, and requests from
the men's side of the boat club, we have decided to open the
combined-college rowing organised by the Hughes/Lucy boatclub to the men's
side of college rowing. With many people leaving for summer,
combined-college rowing will be a great way to for college rowing to carry
on, as well as an opportunity to meet other rowers/grads/undergrads from
other colleges.

It will be pretty chilled with most outings in the evening, but depending
on the responses from rowers, availability, and keen-ness there may be the
possibility to do training for races (on and off the Cam). All
ability rowers and coxes are welcome (aside from novices - although we are
planning on organising a training camp for novices later on in the summer
so keep and eye out!), but the boats, if possible, will be classed in each
ability (M1, M2, M3).

There will also be a small sub which will need to be paid of £15 (not
including race fees if you want to do races) to cover insurance, any
repairs, organisational costs and paid coaching if needed (which we are
not currently planning on having), however, this is a lot less money than
subs at town clubs.

Please email me (Sally - Hughes Boat Club President) at sfrm2 at cam.ac.uk if
you are interested stating your experience (the boat you rowed in Easter
term, how much coxing experience you have), rowing side ('stroke-' or
'bow-'side) and I will get back to you with further the details later on in
the week.

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