[CUCBC Captains] Queens' Ergs reminder

Karl Anderson ksa36 at cam.ac.uk
Mon Nov 3 20:41:56 UTC 2014

Dear all,


This is just a reminder that the deadline to sign up crews for Queens' Ergs
is 23:59 on Thursday 6th November. The names of crew members entered may be
changed at any point until 23:59 on Saturday 8th November. 


The deadline for payment being received is 23:59 on 10th November 2014.
Payment can be made by bank transfer or cheque. Please make bank transfers
to the QCBC account with your college/institution and QERGS in the
description. The account sort code is 40-16-08 and the account number is
94088255. Cheques should be made payable to "Queens' College Boat Club" and
sent to George Daubney at Queens' College via UMS, or placed in George's
pigeon hole in the Queens' porters' lodge. If you cannot pay by bank
transfer or cheque please get in touch by emailing qcbc-ergs at srcf.net to
discuss other options.


Make sure you don't miss the deadline for registration; remember, you can
register immediately and change details of crew names, crew order etc. at a
later point. For more information please visit qergs.soc.srcf.net or email
George and Karl at qcbc-ergs at srcf.net


We look forward to seeing you there!


Best wishes,



Karl Anderson

Queens' Ergs President 2014-15

Queens' College Boat Club






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