[CUCBC Captains] May Bumps 2014 - Getting-on Race

Tom Grimble tom at cucbc.org
Mon May 26 13:50:14 UTC 2014

Dear all

The May Bumps 2014 Getting-on Race will be held on the afternoon of Friday
6th June.

There are 30 men's crews competing for 15 places in the M5 and M6 divisions.

There are 32 women's crews competing for 16 places in the W3 and W4

The Start Order<https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1s-zf5om6wy1yBYxzOk81V1ZDTwdSGN_xR2PqYo0BfZs/edit?usp=sharing>for
the race is now available. There will be 2 divisions, the first
marshaling at 15:45 for men's crews and the second marshaling at 16:30 for
women's crews.

Marshaling instructions are available here <http://www.cucbc.org/mays/gor>,
please make sure all competing crews have read these. The first division
will marshal at Baitsbite lock, the second division will marshal in reverse
racing order between the Railway Bridge and the P&E, with the bottom crew
furthest downstream.

Any scratch notifications should be emailed to tom at cucbc.org and
juniortreasurer at cucbc.org before 5pm Wednesday 4th June for a a full refund.

Any sub requests should also be sent in for consideration. Please remember
that anyone that rows in a successful Getting-on race crew is not permitted
to row in a higher boat for bumps, so please do not use subs from your
1st/2nd boats etc. We are aware that some exams clash with these race
times, but it is not possible to move the start any later.

If there are any questions feel free to drop me an email.

Tom Grimble
CUCBC Honorary Secretary
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