[CUCBC Captains] BUCS regatta

Rob Baker rob at cuwbc.org.uk
Thu May 8 16:42:16 UTC 2014

Dear Captains, 

Last weekend the CUWBC entered a Beginner eight at BUCS regatta, there were 41 entries and this is a category taken very seriously by the top rowing Universities. Our eight consisted of college novices who we selected based on erg tests and some subjective analysis on the ergs and in the boat. 

The crew managed to win! the racing consisted of a time trial, semi and final, our eight was clearly the quickest in each round. This result was off of the back of only three sessions as a crew together. The crew rated 30 strokes a minute down the course, compared to 34/5 from most of the other crews, goes to prove how simple strokes with power and length move the boat! 

So this email is to thank all of you for allowing those athletes and the others in the Dev squad to get involved. Also a big well done for the development you have made to get your athletes to this point. 

Next year I plan on sending a bigger squad again and I think we can look at some college eights and fours racing if you are interested. 

Thanks again and please do push your best athletes to get involved in the Dev squad and trialling for CUWBC, 2015 is going to be a big year for our club! 

Rob Baker
CUWBC Chief Coach
+44 7989395125
rob at cuwbc.org.uk

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