[CUCBC Captains] May Bumps 2014 - Friday Results and Notes & Fines

Tom Grimble tom at cucbc.org
Fri Jun 13 23:51:16 UTC 2014

Dear all

Thanks to everyone for a very successful and smooth running day of racing.
We hope everyone hasn't got too sunburnt so far this week.

The latest results from today's races are now available here

*Notes from the Umpires*

   - Please remember bank party sizes are strictly limited to 4 cyclists.
   The towpath will be incredibly busy tomorrow and can be very dangerous if
   there are too many cyclists. Please take lots of care when cycling and
   could clubs also ask their spectators to keep clear of the path during
   racing. All excess bank party fines will be doubled tomorrow.
   - Bank parties must not impede umpires. With the busy towpath we need a
   clear view of the racing.
   - Please marshal on time tomorrow. Any delays in racing will simply mean
   everyone will be late for BCD.
   - Coxes are reminded that they must keep control of their crews upon
   bumping or being bumped. Your crew must keep on rowing if they get bumped
   otherwise this can lead to dangerous collisions.


   - Caius M1 - No lifejacket (and only realised 7 minutes before the
   start) - £50 + whole crew to wear lifejackets for row up tomorrow just in
   - Caius W1 - Foul and abusive language - £25
   - Christ's W2 - Very serious failure to acknowledge - £75
   - Christ's M3 - Rowing at race pace while marshalling into another crew
   - £20
   - Churchill M1 - Early celebration - £20
   - Clare Hall W1 - Stopped rowing upon being bumped - £20
   - Corpus Christi W1 - Aggressive coxing on row home - £30
   - Corpus Christi M2 - Dropped bung, no advantage - £15
   - Girton M1 - Stopped rowing upon being bumped causing serious collision
   - £75
   - Girton M1 - Abusive language towards an umpire - £50
   - Homerton M1 - Foul and abusive language - £25
   - Hughes Hall/Lucy Cavendish W1 - Failure to easy after bump awarded -
   - Jesus M2 - Excessive bank party - £30
   - LMBC W1 - Excessive greenery (half a tree) - Other half of tree to be
   used as ballast for tomorrow's race
   - LMBC M2 - Excessive bank party - £30
   - Magdalene M2 - Noise pollution, constant 3 peeps on whistle at 1
   length - A ruler
   - Magdalene M3 - 7 man racing without shirt - Wear morph suit for racing
   - Pembroke W3 - Late to marshalling - £20
   - Peterhouse M2 - Serious failure to hold it up and early celebration -
   - Robinson M1 - Dropped bung, small advantage, did not affect outcome -
   - Robinson M2 - Dropped bung, no advantage - £15
   - Selwyn W1 - Ignoring umpire's instructions - £20
   - Sidney Sussex W2 - Dropped bung, no advantage - £15
   - St Catharine's M5 - Failure to concede - £20
   - St Edmund's M1 - Foul and abusive language - £30
   - Trinity Hall M2 - Practice start at railway bridge  - £20
   - Wolfson M2 - Lying down past control - Bring pillows for row home
   - Caius - Failure to provide marshal (2nd) - £30
   - Darwin - Failure to provide marshal - £15
   - Girton - Failure to provide marshal - £15
   - Jesus - Failure to provide marshal (2nd) - £30
   - LMBC - Failure to provide marshal (2nd) - £30
   - Queens' - Failure to provide marshal - £15

All fines can be appealed by e-mailing Dan Wilkins, CUCBC Senior Treasurer (
seniortreasurer at cucbc.org) within 48 hours of this email.

Tom Grimble
CUCBC Honorary Secretary
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