[CUCBC Captains] Conservancy Registration Fees

Holly Hedgeland holly at cucbc.org
Thu May 30 12:48:11 UTC 2013

Dear all,

A reminder that your Conservancy registration fees for this year must be
paid in advance of the Mays in order to be permitted to compete. The
Conservancy has informed me that the following clubs have paid. If you are
not on the list below, please could you check that your registration is
progressing to be paid up prior to the Mays.


Paid as of 30/05/2013:
 Hughes Hall Boat Club  Wolfson College Boat Club  Caius Boat Club  Selwyn
College Boat Club  Lady Margaret Boat Club  Homerton College Boat Club  King's
College Boat Club  Darwin College Boat Club  Murray Edwards College  Lucy
Cavendish College B C  Robinson College B C  Girton College B C  Sidney
Sussex B C  Churchill College  Magdalene B C  St Catharine's B C  Trinity
Hall B C  Queens' College  1st & 3rd Trinity B C  Peterhouse B C  Christ's
College B C  Downing College B C

Dr Holly Hedgeland
Cambridge University Combined Boat Clubs
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