[CUCBC Captains] Bumps week and other approved race events

Camboats of Cambridge River Trips camboats at hotmail.co.uk
Fri Jun 7 07:21:04 UTC 2013

Moderator - please forward this important request.
Good day all
It looks like being a cracking week for the 'bumps'. Forecast is dry and sunny.

You will be pleased to note that I have deliberately not booked any private cruises and suspended our public trips from 10-15th June.  Thus Rosie will not be cruising along the river at any time during that period.  That covers the Boathouse/Jesus Lock section all te way downstream to past the Plough and Baits Bite Lock.  This replicates the non-operating process we did for the February 'bumps'.
To date I have worked extremely hard to ensure our operation does not conflict with race events and minimised our impact on practices by giving crew/cox's clear 'come by' signals, when we can see ahead, whenever possible.
Earlier in the year we set up an internal booking diary based on the information published on the Cam Conservators website list of events.  This has proved to be extremely useful.  However, there have been times when the published information is either inaccurate or plans changed.  This has led on a few occasions when private charters that we confidently planned specifically to avoid race events becoming an overlap.
Please can I respectfully request your events co-ordinators to:


Drop me a line a week or so before your event as a reminder (as I believe you do for 'Georgina')  and give me an indication of the division times/sizes. 

If you publish events information then update then in any way during the year, please ask your events co-ordinator to inform us at the time they amend the listing so that our booking diary truely reflects your river event.
If at anytime you do have an issue with our operation or suggetions for imporvements in communication, please contact us directly to resolve.

I assure you of my best intentions at all times to ensure a safe river environment without impeding an approved river event.   


Skipper - Rosie
07706 734763 

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