[CUCBC Captains] Fwd: Swan's nest by Green Dragon bridge

Holly Hedgeland holly at cucbc.org
Tue May 8 08:37:25 UTC 2012

Dear all,

I've received several emails concerning the above over the last day. One states:

"Just FYI- apparently there's a swans' nest on the bank between Green
Dragon bridge and Two Tees boatyard.

It's supposedly quite precarious, and might be washed away by passing
boats if they're at higher rates.

Of course there's not a huge amount you can do, but it might be worth
at least an email to captains to try and stop this becoming another
cause celebre in the present post-ASBO climate...."

Please could you advise crews to exercise due caution in that area.


Dr Holly Hedgeland
Cambridge University Combined Boat Clubs

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