[CUCBC Captains] Catz Cardinals - March 15th - ENTER NOW!

C. Quarton cq213 at cam.ac.uk
Sat Mar 10 01:12:21 UTC 2012

To All Boat Club Captains and Others of Equal Importance,

With a good warm up event in the form of Lent Bumps behind us, it's nearly 
time for the the true highlight of the rowing calendar. ***CATZ 
CARDINALS*** returns on Thursday the 15th of March, and entries are now 

As long as you have noviced then you can get together a mixed IV or VIII
and race, and with the very reasonable entry costs (£16 for a IV and £23
for an VIII) you'd be mad not to.

On top of the classic 500m head-to-head knockout and the legendary
Cardinals final, this year could well see other even more exciting and
imaginative rounds (insurance permitting). And of course as well as the
competition to be the fastest boat, there will be prizes for the best fancy
dress too.

The entry form is attached, or for more information, head to

Alternatively, feel free to send any enquiries back this way.

We'd appreciate entries as soon as possible so that we can get the draw 
sorted. See you on the 15th!

Chris Quarton

Joint Race Secretary
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