[CUCBC Captains] Friday Results and Notes & Fines

Dan Wilkins dan at cucbc.org
Fri Mar 2 19:34:12 UTC 2012

Results from today’s racing are now available at www.cucbc.org/lents/results


Congratulations to Downing who retained the women’s headship and many thanks
to all women’s crews for a good week’s racing! Looking forward to the final
men’s races tomorrow


Notes from the Umpires

·         All (men’s) divisions on Saturday will marshal 10 minutes before
the start of the division, spun on station. Crews must not proceed beyond
Chesterton Foobridge more than 30 minutes before the start of their

·         Bank parties are strictly limited to 4 people (including cyclists,
runners, the boatman, Master, senior treasurer, any other VIPs
) Crews will
be heavily penalised for excessive bank parties as this can obstruct the
umpires and be dangerous!

·         Please do not leave litter on the towpath. Take your litter with
you in the boat (an empty water bottle’s weight is negligible) or with your
bank party.



Fines can be appealed by e-mailing Chris Balmer, CUCBC Senior Treasurer
(seniortreasurer at cucbc.org) within 48 hours of this e-mail being sent.

·         Caius M1 – Excessive bank party - £15

·         Caius M2 – Excessive bank party - £15

·         Darwin M1 – Excessive urination in public leading to a complaint
(at least go behind the bushes!) - £80

·         Downing M1 – Excessive bank party - £15

·         Downing M2 – Failure to hold it up on bumping - £40

·         Emmanuel W1 – Excessive bank party (2nd offence) - £30

·         First and Third M1 – Excessive urination in public - £80

·         Hughes Hall M1 – Failure to hold it up on bumping - £40

·         King’s M1 – Excessive urination in public - £80

·         King’s W1 – Excessive bank party - £15

·         King’s W1 – Early celebration - £20

·         LMBC M1 – Excessive bank party - £15

·         Magdalene W1 – Excessive bank party - £15

·         Queens’ M1 – Foul and abusive language towards an umpire - £20

·         St. Catharine’s M1 – No lifejacket on the way to the start - £50

·         St. Catharine’s M1 – Dropped bung (no advantage) - £15

·         St. Edmund’s M1 – Failure to acknowledge bump - £20

·         Wolfson M2 – No lifejacket on the way to the start - £50

·         Darwin – Failure to provide marshal - £15

·         Jesus – Failure to provide marshal (2nd offence) - £30

·         St. Catharine’s – Failure to provide marshal - £15



Dan Wilkins

CUCBC Honorary Secretary


E-mail: dan at cucbc.org



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