[CUCBC Captains] Getting-On Race Results

Dan Wilkins dan at cucbc.org
Fri Jun 8 16:44:35 UTC 2012

Hi all


Results from the Getting-On Race for the May Bumps 2012 are now available at
www.cucbc.org/mays/gor. The start order has been updated to include the
qualifying crews and is available at www.cucbc.org/bumps/startorder/8.


Well done to all crews who competed in today's Getting-On Race for coping
with the challenging conditions and congratulations to the qualifying crews.


The following crews qualified for places in the May Bumps 2012:


Men's Crews (Division 6)

1.	Clare V
2.	Robinson IV
3.	Homerton III
4.	Queens' VI
5.	Emmanuel V
6.	First and Third VI
7.	Darwin III


Women's Crews (Division 4)

1.	Clare III
2.	Trinity Hall III
3.	Murray Edwards III
4.	Robinson II
5.	Lady Margaret III


Times for non-qualifying crews are available on the website.


The best of luck to all crews competing next week!





Dan Wilkins

CUCBC Honorary Secretary


E-mail: dan at cucbc.org



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