[CUCBC Captains] Getting-On Race Conditions

Dan Wilkins dan at cucbc.org
Fri Jun 8 10:31:59 UTC 2012

Hi all


Just to let you know the Getting-On Race will be going ahead today if the
flag remains yellow.


Due to strong gusting winds, it is recommended that all crews bring a
competent bank party. To minimise delays at the start, please be familiar
with your place in the start order, which can be found at
www.cucbc.org/mays/gor (note that this start order differs slightly from the
automatically generated one at the bottom of the main bumps start order


Conditions will be reviewed at shortly after 2pm and if the flag is upgraded
to red, the Getting-On Race will be abandoned.






Dan Wilkins

CUCBC Honorary Secretary


E-mail: dan at cucbc.org



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