[CUCBC Captains] CUBC 2013 Boat Race squad

Mark Beer mark at cubc.org.uk
Tue Jul 10 15:11:05 UTC 2012

Dear Captains,


The 2013 BNY Mellon Boat Race between Cambridge and Oxford will be at 1630
on 31 March.  


We would like those student/athletes from your college that are considering
trialling for selection in one of the 2013 crews to get in contact with the
coaching team ASAP.  We are aware that some student/athletes were unable to
attend the meeting at the end of the May term and as such would like to
provide all relevant information, dates and training guides to those
athletes considering trialling.


Athletes wishing to trail should contact the Mark Beer (mark at cubc.org.uk)
for further information on the trialling process.


Can you please pass this on to the athletes within your club for their




Mark Beer

Assistant Coach 

Cambridge University Boat Club


The Goldie Boathouse

Kimberley Road




m:(0)77 8090 2114

t:(0) 1223 467304

e: mark at cubc.org.uk


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