[CUCBC Captains] CUBC Honorary Secretary Nominations for 2011-2012

Giles Moon cubc at cucbc.org
Tue May 17 10:49:47 UTC 2011

Dear CUCBC Captains and Committee,

I am writing to ask for nominations for the Honorary Secretary for the next
academic year (2011-2012).

The position of the Honorary Secretary is described as such in the CUBC

"The Honorary Secretary, who shall be a bona fide member of the University
in statu
pupillari and who shall assist as required with administrative matters
related to the
objects of the Club and deal with all matters relating to the election of
the President. In
addition, the Honorary Secretary shall represent CUBC on the Executive
Committee of
Cambridge University Combined Boat Clubs (CUCBC)."

The election of the Honorary Secretary is defined below, per the CUBC

"That the Honorary Secretary be elected by the Captains of the several
College Boat
Clubs in the University at a Cambridge University Combined Boat Clubs
Meeting at the start of the Easter Term and that he or she shall hold office
from the
beginning of the Michaelmas Term in the year of his or her election until
the end of the
Long Vacation in the following year."

Anyone can run for the position of Honorary Secretary, so if you would
please let me know if you or someone from your club would like to put their
name forward, we can proceed with elections. Please send me your nominations
by this Friday, the 20th of May.

All My Best,

Courtney Wilkinson

CUBC Honorary Secretary
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