[CUCBC Captains] EARLY MORNING COX BOXES; please note.....

Richard Hamersley richard.hamersley at gmail.com
Sat Mar 12 12:15:09 UTC 2011

TO:      Captains
TO:      Coxes

FROM: Chairman CUCBC

DATE:  Saturday 12th March 2011

Good afternoon All

Not long to go until the end of term.

I hope you are enjoying still calm conditions on the water today, as it is
down here in Henley, but please remember that noise carries.

Just a gentle reminder about cox boxes in the early morning outings, in the
light of the Environmental Officer's well intended email of 11th March which
I set out in full at the foot of my email.

CUCBC Rules 32 and 33 state:

   - *32.* That all crews must not create unnecessary noise anywhere on the
   river before 7.30am.
   - *33.* In particular, loud hailers may not be used anywhere on the river
   and the use of cox-boxes, and coaching from the bank must be kept to a
   minimum everywhere on the river before 7.30am. There will be no coaching
   from the bank above the railway bridge before 7.30am.

Contrary to what the Environmental Officer states below, we do use cox boxes
in the early mornings "for operational commands" (for safety reasons) and I
will be reminding him of this. PLEASE KEEP THE VOLUME CONTROL ON YOUR COX
ask your coaches to monitor your volume as they are up on the bank and can
better hear the sound effect from up there.

If CHRISTS could apologise to CYGNET, then I am sure we would all appreciate
it. Apologies and a smile are all that it takes on occasion.

Thank you for listening.

Richard Hamersley
Chairman CUCBC

SEE EMAIL BELOW (which was forwarded on to me by Dick Pryce-Jones at CUBC):

From: Daniel Bayles [mailto:]
Sent: 11 March 2011 14:16
To: dick at cubc.org.uk
Cc: river.manager at camconservators.org.uk
Subject: Noise Before 7:30 am

Good Afternoon Dick

I have been passed an email, sent to Dr Philippa Noon, from a river boat
resident about noise from the use of cox boxes upstream of the railway
bridge before 7:30 am. The email was copied to all the City Councillors.

It is my understanding that cox boxes should not be used until after 7:30
am. This is obviously now a problem as the mornings are lighter and the
crews are out earlier. I ask that the crews and particularly the coxes and
coaches be given a gentle reminder of the needs of the residents along the
river. I would be grateful if you could do this.

The email also reports a collisions yesterday (Thursday 10 March) between
Christ College's boat CC0 804 and the moored 'Widebeam' boat Cygnet whist
the Chris's boat was spinning. The email does not give full details, but no
damage is reported, only the annoyance of the resident is that the neither
the crew, cox or coach acknowledged the occupier or incident and no apology
was offered. I suggest Christ's President may wish to either speak or drop
the resident of Cygnet a note in order to placate them.

Good Luck to the crews on the 26th.


Daniel S J Bayles
Environmental Health Officer
Cambridge City Council

Tel (01223) 457895
Fax (01223) 457909
Minicom (01223) 457050

Out of Hours Noise Service 457457

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Richard Hamersley
Good morning Pip This has come full circle. 1. Who is complaining about
11:21 (23 minutes ago)
Richard HamersleyLoading...
11:21 (21 minutes ago)
Richard Hamersley to *PHILIPPA*
show details 11:21 (23 minutes ago)

Good morning Pip

This has come full circle.

1. Who is complaining about "noise" and on what date? I do not have his /
her email. Perhaps you could forward it so that I can see what has been said

2. Where is Cygnet moored? Somewhere down my end of the river by Victoria
Bridge by Christs' boathouse, perhaps?

Kind regards

- Show quoted text -

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Richard Pryce-Jones <dick at cubc.org.uk>
Date: 11 March 2011 15:32
Subject: FW: Noise Before 7:30 am
To: Richard Hamersley <chair at cucbc.org>, CUCBC Senior Treasurer <
seniortreasurer at cucbc.org>
Cc: Daniel.Bayles at cambridge.gov.uk

-----Original Message-----
From: Daniel Bayles [mailto:]
Sent: 11 March 2011 14:16
To: dick at cubc.org.uk
Cc: river.manager at camconservators.org.uk
Subject: Noise Before 7:30 am

Good Afternoon Dick

I have been passed an email, sent to Dr Philippa Noon, from a river boat
resident about noise from the use of cox boxes upstream of the railway
bridge before 7:30 am. The email was copied to all the City Councillors.

It is my understanding that cox boxes should not be used until after 7:30
am. This is obviously now a problem as the mornings are lighter and the
crews are out earlier. I ask that the crews and particularly the coxes and
coaches be given a gentle reminder of the needs of the residents along the
river. I would be grateful if you could do this.

The email also reports a collisions yesterday (Thursday 10 March) between
Christ College's boat CC0 804 and the moored 'Widebeam' boat Cygnet whist
the Chris's boat was spinning. The email does not give full details, but no
damage is reported, only the annoyance of the resident is that the neither
the crew, cox or coach acknowledged the occupier or incident and no apology
was offered. I suggest Christ's President may wish to either speak or drop
the resident of Cygnet a note in order to placate them.

Good Luck to the crews on the 26th.


Daniel S J Bayles
Environmental Health Officer
Cambridge City Council

Tel (01223) 457895
Fax (01223) 457909
Minicom (01223) 457050

Out of Hours Noise Service 457457

Please consider the environment - do you really need to print this

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Richard Hamersley
19 Lovell Close
Wootton Manor
Tel/fax/ansafone:       01491 414 294
Mobile:                      07870 5545 17
Email: richard.hamersley at gmail.com



Richard Hamersley to Richard
show details 11:23 (20 minutes ago)

Thanks Dick.

- Show quoted text -

On 11 March 2011 15:32, Richard Pryce-Jones <dick at cubc.org.uk> wrote:

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Daniel Bayles [mailto:]
> Sent: 11 March 2011 14:16
> To: dick at cubc.org.uk
> Cc: river.manager at camconservators.org.uk
> Subject: Noise Before 7:30 am
> Good Afternoon Dick
> I have been passed an email, sent to Dr Philippa Noon, from a river boat
> resident about noise from the use of cox boxes upstream of the railway
> bridge before 7:30 am. The email was copied to all the City Councillors.
> It is my understanding that cox boxes should not be used until after 7:30
> am. This is obviously now a problem as the mornings are lighter and the
> crews are out earlier. I ask that the crews and particularly the coxes and
> coaches be given a gentle reminder of the needs of the residents along the
> river. I would be grateful if you could do this.
> The email also reports a collisions yesterday (Thursday 10 March) between
> Christ College's boat CC0 804 and the moored 'Widebeam' boat Cygnet whist
> the Chris's boat was spinning. The email does not give full details, but no
> damage is reported, only the annoyance of the resident is that the neither
> the crew, cox or coach acknowledged the occupier or incident and no apology
> was offered. I suggest Christ's President may wish to either speak or drop
> the resident of Cygnet a note in order to placate them.
> Good Luck to the crews on the 26th.
> Regards
> Daniel S J Bayles
> Environmental Health Officer
> Cambridge City Council
> Tel (01223) 457895
> Fax (01223) 457909
> Minicom (01223) 457050
> Out of Hours Noise Service 457457
> Please consider the environment - do you really need to print this
> e-mail?
> __________________________________________________________________________
> The information in this email may be confidential and legally privileged.
> You are advised to scan attachments for viruses before opening them.
> Please read our disclaimer at http://www.cambridge.gov.uk/maildisc.html
> --
> I am using the free version of SPAMfighter.
> We are a community of 7 million users fighting spam.
> SPAMfighter has removed 37439 of my spam emails to date.
> Get the free SPAMfighter here: http://www.spamfighter.com/len
> The Professional version does not have this message

- Show quoted text -
Richard Hamersley
19 Lovell Close
Wootton Manor
Tel/fax/ansafone:       01491 414 294
Mobile:                      07870 5545 17
Email: richard.hamersley at gmail.com



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Richard Hamersley
19 Lovell Close
Wootton Manor
Tel/fax/ansafone:       01491 414 294
Mobile:                      07870 5545 17
Email: richard.hamersley at gmail.com
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