[CUCBC Captains] Lent Bumps 2011: Tuesday Resulrs and Notes/Fines

Dan Wilkins dan at cucbc.org
Tue Mar 1 23:27:38 UTC 2011

Results from Tuesday's racing are now available at

I attach the start order for Wednesday.

*Notes from the Umpires*
Thanks for a good first day's racing, despite the rerow in the M4 division,
for which we thank you for your co-operation!

Once you have bumped or been bumped, it is important you clear the river as
quickly as possible as there will be crews still racing not far behind. Get
straight to the nearest bank and listen to instructions from the umpires or
your bank parties.

Fines may be appealed within 48 hours of this e-mail being sent by e-mailing
Dr Holly Hedgeland, CUCBC Senior Treasurer (seniortreasurer at cucbc.org).

Addenbrooke's W1 - Dropped bung (no advantage) - £15
Clare Hall M1 - Abusive behaviour from bank party towards officials - £25
Darwin M1 - Late concession - £20
Emmanuel M2 - Dropped bung (no advantage) - £15
Emmanuel M2 - Failure to clear - £20
Hughes Hall W1 - Excessive bank party - £50
Jesus M2 - Dropped bung (no advantage) - £15
Jesus M2 - Foul & abusive language from bank party - £20
Sidney Sussex M1 - Failure to obey race officials - £30
St. Edmund's W1 - Serious failure to hold it up on bumping - £50
Trinity Hall W2 - Dangerous coxing (bumping a stationary boat) - £50

Dan Wilkins
CUCBC Honorary Secretary

E-mail: dan at cucbc.org

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