[CUCBC Captains] CUBC - Development Squad and Coaching

Mark Beer mark at cubc.org.uk
Thu Apr 14 11:45:46 UTC 2011

CUBC 2011 - Summer Development Squad and Open 2km Test at Goldie Boat House


This is a reminder that expressions of interest to join the CUBC summer
Development Squad are still open for both rowers and coxswains.


Any student that is considering trialling for either of the CUBC crews that
will race in the 2012 Boat Race are encouraged to sign up and attend the
opening day 2km ergo test.


The Development Squad is intended to introduce those future CUCB trailists
to the set up at Goldie Boathouse and Ely Boathouse.  It will provide access
to CUBC training facilities, equipment and coaching over the summer term.
Students who take part will have the opportunity to experience firsthand
what training with the CUBC consists of, develop their physiology and
oarsmenship over the term.


We are aware that there are a lot of demands on individuals in the final
academic term and as such hope to deliver an enjoyable and exciting program
that will help individuals move on in their rowing ability and at the same
time achieve their academic goals and continue their involvement with
college May Bump crews (if they so wish). 


The CUBC Chief Coach and I would also like to open the 2km test to any
talented oarsmen out there who would like to attend and see where they are
at physiologically.  There is no commitment required; however we would like
to see any really talented athletes (novice or senior) that would like to do
a 2km test at Goldie Boat House on the 27 April sign up.  It's an
opportunity to see the facilities, meet the coaches and complete a 2km test.

If you would like to be part of the dev squad or just attend the 2km CUBC
test on the 27th, please email Mark Beer (mark at cubc.org.uk).


Once we have finalised numbers for the Dev Squad and CUBC 2km Ergo test, we
will be in contact with those clubs that have expressed an interest in
receiving coaching from the CUBC coaches to lock in training and coaching
times.  If you have not contacted us but would like to receive coaching on
the ergos at Goldie Boat House or coaching on the Cam for your mens 1st crew
from one of the CUBC coaches, please contact Mark Beer on the email address


We look forward to working with athletes and colleges over the coming term.


If you have any queries please do not hesitate to email or call.





Mark Beer

Assistant Coach 

Cambridge University Boat Club


The Goldie Boathouse

Kimberley Road




m:(0)77 8090 2114

t:(0) 1223 467304

e: mark at cubc.org.uk


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