[CUCBC Captains] CUWBC elections

Anne Hempel cuwbc at cucbc.org
Thu Apr 7 19:48:36 UTC 2011

Dear Women’s Boat Club Captains,

This is to inform you of the upcoming CUWBC elections, which will take place
on Wednesday May 11th at 7pm, Captains' Room, Goldie Boathouse.

Elections on May 11th will be for the roles of President, Vice-President and
Honorary Secretary.

As Captain of a College Women’s Boat Club you are eligible to vote for the
Hon Sec (see voting rights and eligibility below).


Voting rights/eligibility (from the CUWBC constitution):

Only members of the University Women's crews and spares still in residence

and statu pupillare shall be entitled to vote in the election of the Club

Officers, with the exception of the Hon. Secretary, in which case each

College Women's Boat Club Captain shall also have one vote in his/her

capacity as a Captain.

If there are 2 candidates for a post, election will be by simple majority.

If there are more than 2, a candidate is required to poll more than 50% of

the votes cast.

Rounds of voting may be used to eliminate the candidate polling the lowest

number of votes in each round until this majority is achieved. If there is

a tie, the outgoing President may exercise a casting vote. Votes by proxy

shall be acceptable if given in writing to the President or Hon. Secretary

by midnight of the day before the meeting. The President shall appoint an

independent observer to oversee voting.

The officers of the Club be elected in a manner as close as possible to

that laid out below:

(a) the offices of President and Vice-President shall be contested by any

member of a University Women's crew or named spare who would be a bona

fide member of the University in statu pupillare in the academic year in

which they would take up office;

(c) the office of Hon. Secretary shall be contested by any member of a

Women's Boat Club in the University;


Any questions, please get in touch.

Kind regards,


Anne Hempel
CUWBC Secretary
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