[CUCBC Captains] Lever Glide

Ian Coveny icoveny at cantab.net
Tue May 11 21:45:47 UTC 2010

Greetings all,

Please excuse a slight spamming of the email list; hopefully it will prove
useful to more than a few crews out there.

Recently I had a 'water cooler' discussion with one of the chaps I work
with; he mentioned that his brother-in-law (an engineer with BAE) developed
a quick-release footstretcher mechanism, the "LeverGlide". It works like a
quick-release system on a bike:

Out of curiosity, I rang the developer and asked him for a trial pair,
installed it on a single I was pottering around in and gave it a go. I have
to admit, I had a massive "why didn't I think of this before??" moment - it
worked brilliantly.

Thinking back to my coaching days on the Cam, frequently >10 minutes - or
approximately 10-15% of the totally outing time - was wasted adjusting
footplates, riggers, etc. It seems the LeverGlide could be a viable solution
to saving a precious commodity in the CUCBC world - time.

I have *zero* commercial interest in this product, I'm just trying to
facilitate a link between someone who's passionate about rowing with a crowd
of passionate rowers. If you have questions, drop him a line directly or
feel free to email me if you would like a neutral 3rd party opinion.

Take care and good luck in bumps!

Best regards,

Ian Coveny

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