[CUCBC Captains] FW: champs junior sculling head this sunday

Convey, Peter pcon at bas.ac.uk
Fri Mar 19 09:16:08 UTC 2010

Dear all, 

a reminder of this. We don't impose river closures in the Univ holidays, but please avoid this event if you do have any crews out.

From: Bill Key [billkey65 at hotmail.com]
Sent: 19 March 2010 09:15
To: eh268 at cam.ac.uk; franksuess at tesco.net; events.secretary at championrowing.org.uk; atillson at gmail.com; jess.upton at gmail.com; c.lloyd13 at ntlworld.com; ejmackley at hotmail.com; jwmartin at onetel.com; bartlow at msn.com; drpickersgill at hotmail.co.uk; secretary at robroyboatclub.org.uk; mhillier at fpdsavills.co.uk; Allen, Claire S; chris at moufflon.co.uk; cm.rees at btinternet.com; james.howard at casp.cam.ac.uk; julie.murphy at mills-reeve.com; mens_captain at cantabsrowing.org.uk; djw1002 at hotmail.co.uk; mike.h.m at ntlworld.com; jondawson at ntlworld.com; michaelpwalker at btopenworld.com; cam-entries.secretary at championrowing.org.uk; ed_porteus at hotmail.com; gripper at rock.com; ercoombs at hotmail.co.uk; nazyeni at hotmail.com; alison.deary at ntlworld.com; johnojenner at btopenworld.com; m.arnold38 at ntlworld.com; owenpatman at btinternet.com; ajohnson at albourneproperty.co.uk; nja28 at cantab.net; ecdcosham at googlemail.com; conollycott at hotmail.co.uk; jonesrd at gmail.com; laura.kaye at gmail.com; cberryman at btopenworld.com; hilary.tunnicliffe at ntlworld.com; ollie.crabb at ntlworld.com; captain at cityrc.co.uk; smith.eric at talk21.com; captain at nines.rowing.org.uk; csl at cambridgesportlakes.org.uk; csgreening at btopenworld.com; Convey, Peter; jamesprice98 at gmail.com; camrow at ukonline.co.uk; pete.monty at googlemail.com; tom.davies at dsl.pipex.com; mikehcam at yahoo.co.uk; jillomullane at googlemail.com; stephen.chapman at domino-uk.com; pmk26 at cam.ac.uk; roger at thorogoodr.freeserve.co.uk; susanbrown66 at btinternet.com; simonhames at hotmail.com; peter.jeffery at paconsulting.com; c23uk at hotmail.com; merrington at onetel.com; slhrowing at yahoo.co.uk; tony at cremedor.co.uk; simon.kerr at mottmac.com; stephen at stephenallen.co.uk; paul.wilkins at genericsgroup.com; emily.rodgers at arm.com; pwelton at live.co.uk; steve at mrao.cam.ac.uk; joe.ouroussoff at gmail.com
Subject: FW: champs junior sculling head this sunday

A reminder that there is a junior sculling event on the Cam on Sunday.

Please clear river by 9.30am - see below.


Bill Key
4 Parr Close
CB24 9YH

Tel: 01223 234506

From: lesley at corbettfamily.com
To: billkey65 at hotmail.com
CC: djw1002 at hotmail.co.uk; rbcroome at waitrose.com; steve.millar at openreach.co.uk
Subject: champs junior sculling head this sunday
Date: Fri, 19 Mar 2010 00:06:22 +0000

Hi Bill

Please can you remind CRA clubs that there is a junior sculling head on the Cam this Sunday.

There are over 300 junior competitors on the river (150 crews), the majority of which are new to the river.

They will be boating from around 9.30am, as the first division is 10.30am.

We would ask that crews are making their way back from early outings with the safety of the junior scullers as a priority.

The river will be clear by approx 3pm for later outings.

Thank you



Events Secretary

Champion of the Thames R.C.

38 Chesterton Hall Crescent



01223 328418



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