[CUCBC Captains] Fw: 2010 schedule of races, Cam Sailing Club, Waterbeach

PETER CONVEY peter.convey at btinternet.com
Thu Mar 11 17:44:37 UTC 2010

Dear all

please can you take note of the attached when planning outings over the lock in the next few months


----- Forwarded Message ----
From: Philippa Noon <river.manager at camconservators.org.uk>
To: Committee <committee at cucbc.org>; Bill Key <billkey65 at hotmail.com>; CUCBC Senior Treasurer <seniortreasurer at cucbc.org>; Adam Lister <Adam.Lister at admin.cam.ac.uk>; Richard <camrow at ukonline.co.uk>; Richard Hamersley <richard.hamersley at googlemail.com>; Derek O'Brien <obrien.derek at gmail.com>; PETER CONVEY <peter.convey at btinternet.com>; CLARE BERRYMAN <cberryman at btopenworld.com>; ajohnson at albourneproperty.co.uk
Sent: Thursday, 11 March, 2010 17:38:39
Subject: 2010 schedule of races, Cam Sailing Club, Waterbeach

Dear all,
With the extending day length, more crews may be
considering extending their outings from Cambridge 
to Clayhithe or Bottisham. We should be grateful if you could refer to the
attached schedule of races at Cam Sailing Club, Waterbeach, before planning
your outings to reduce any potential disruption to the Club’s sailing races.
Byelaw 6.11 applies (no person may pass a boat race etc.). A number of these CSC
dates are junior/youth events. Wind and river flow conditions may constrain the
manoeuvrability of these sailing vessels and they may react in an unpredictable
manner. Therefore, please use a safe and appropriate level of speed between Clayhithe Bridge and Bottisham and take note of
any instructions issued by the Sailing Club organisers in attendance.
I should be grateful if you could cascade this
information to all Clubs. This information is also available on our webpages.
Many thanks,
River Manager
Conservators of the River Cam
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