[CUCBC Captains] FW: Cambridge Champs Junior Sculling Head - Saturday 21st March 10

Convey, Peter pcon at bas.ac.uk
Fri Mar 5 20:29:45 UTC 2010

for information, for any of your club members who might be around on that day - there is a standard special request to avoid being on the water around the event, as it will involve many inexperienced and young scullers.

From: Bill Key [billkey65 at hotmail.com]
Sent: 05 March 2010 19:55
To: eh268 at cam.ac.uk; franksuess at tesco.net; events.secretary at championrowing.org.uk; atillson at gmail.com; jess.upton at gmail.com; c.lloyd13 at ntlworld.com; ejmackley at hotmail.com; jwmartin at onetel.com; bartlow at msn.com; drpickersgill at hotmail.co.uk; secretary at robroyboatclub.org.uk; mhillier at fpdsavills.co.uk; Allen, Claire S; chris at moufflon.co.uk; cm.rees at btinternet.com; james.howard at casp.cam.ac.uk; julie.murphy at mills-reeve.com; mens_captain at cantabsrowing.org.uk; djw1002 at hotmail.co.uk; mike.h.m at ntlworld.com; jondawson at ntlworld.com; michaelpwalker at btopenworld.com; cam-entries.secretary at championrowing.org.uk; ed_porteus at hotmail.com; gripper at rock.com; ercoombs at hotmail.co.uk; nazyeni at hotmail.com; alison.deary at ntlworld.com; johnojenner at btopenworld.com; m.arnold38 at ntlworld.com; owenpatman at btinternet.com; ajohnson at albourneproperty.co.uk; nja28 at cantab.net; ecdcosham at googlemail.com; conollycott at hotmail.co.uk; jonesrd at gmail.com; laura.kaye at gmail.com; cberryman at btopenworld.com; hilary.tunnicliffe at ntlworld.com; ollie.crabb at ntlworld.com; captain at cityrc.co.uk; smith.eric at talk21.com; captain at nines.rowing.org.uk; csl at cambridgesportlakes.org.uk; csgreening at btopenworld.com; Convey, Peter; jamesprice98 at gmail.com; camrow at ukonline.co.uk; pete.monty at googlemail.com; tom.davies at dsl.pipex.com; mikehcam at yahoo.co.uk; jillomullane at googlemail.com; stephen.chapman at domino-uk.com; pmk26 at cam.ac.uk; roger at thorogoodr.freeserve.co.uk; susanbrown66 at btinternet.com; simonhames at hotmail.com; peter.jeffery at paconsulting.com; c23uk at hotmail.com; merrington at onetel.com; slhrowing at yahoo.co.uk; tony at cremedor.co.uk; simon.kerr at mottmac.com; stephen at stephenallen.co.uk; paul.wilkins at genericsgroup.com; emily.rodgers at arm.com; pwelton at live.co.uk; steve at mrao.cam.ac.uk; joe.ouroussoff at gmail.com
Subject: FW: Cambridge Champs Junior Sculling Head - Saturday 21st March 10

For your information.


Bill Key
4 Parr Close
CB24 9YH

Tel: 01223 234506

> From: events.secretary at championrowing.org.uk
> To: billkey65 at hotmail.com
> Subject: Cambridge Champs Junior Sculling Head - Saturday 21st March 10
> Date: Fri, 5 Mar 2010 16:58:23 +0000
> Hi Bill
> Please can you forward this information on to the CRA email list:
> Champion of the Thames RC will be running the Cambridge Champs Junior
> Sculling Head on Sunday 21st March 2010. Divisions at 10.30am, 12.15pm and
> 2.00pm.
> Please find attached the event poster.
> Link to our website with more information:
> http://www.championrowing.org.uk/ChampsRaces/JuniorScullingHead/tabid/483/De
> fault.aspx
> Please note that the first division is at 10.30am. Please can we ask that
> local crews are heading back from morning outings by 9.30am as there will be
> young scullers boating that are not familiar with the Cam.
> Thank you very much for your assistance
> Lesley
> ===========================
> Lesley Corbett
> Events Secretary
> Champion of the Thames RC
> 38 Chesterton Hall Crescent
> Cambridge
> CB4 1AP
> t: 01223 328418
> www.championrowing.org.uk
> ===========================

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