[CUCBC Captains] Committee Handovers

Dan Wilkins dan at cucbc.org
Sun Jun 27 22:59:34 UTC 2010

(Outgoing captains may wish to leave this message in the Inbox for their successor)

Hi all

As a number of clubs will be handing over their committees over the Long Vacation a couple of reminders as to what you need to do with regards to the handover of CUCBC accounts.

There are separate accounts for the men's and women's captains (and overall captain where this is a separate person) of the form collegename.men, collegename.women, etc., with accompanying e-mail addresses collegename.men at cucbc.org and an overall collegename at cucbc.org address for both/all of a club's captains.

Outgoing captains need to give the username and password for both their CUCBC website AND  CUCBC e-mail accounts to their successors.

The website can be accessed at http://www.cucbc.org
CUCBC e-mail is available via the webmail interface at http://webmail.cucbc.org

It is important that captains have access to their e-mail account as all important announcements from CUCBC as well as notices of competition entries, fines etc. will be sent to this address. If you wish, you may set it up to forward to another e-mail address. To do this, use the Settings link at the top of the webmail interface.

Incoming captains should update their committee contact details on the CUCBC website - it is important these are kept up to date in case we need to contact you urgently. To do this, log in to the website then click My Club Information Form on the left. Then click the Edit link.

Incoming captains should change the password to both accounts. To change your website account, log in then click My Account on the left. Then click the Edit tab and change the password.

To change your e-mail password, log in to webmail and click Settings in the top right. Then go to Accounts and "Google Account Settings" at the bottom (by "Change account settings"). You will then be presented with a Change Password link.

If you have any problems or queries, please e-mail me: webmaster at cucbc.org

Have a good summer!


P.S. CUCBC accounts (e-mail and website) are issued only to club captains, NOT to secretaries, LBCs, etc. Likewise, only captains' @cucbc.org addresses will be subscribed to the captains' list. If you want, you can set this up to forward to another account, but no other addresses will be subscribed to the list.

Dan Wilkins (Jesus College)
CUCBC Internet Secretary
dan at cucbc.org :: 07817 657717

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